Friday, March 9, 2007

Princess Kat

so tonight Princess Kat had her party. I'm tired actually from it. In short, i told Katherine how crappy her shoes were, i took pictures of taylor and diana's boobs, i went over their futures, including katherine being 600 pounds and having nine little children that have to pry her out of her hammock with a two by four. We ran around downtown yelling WE'RE OFF TO SEE THE WIZARD.... i almost got hit by a car. haha. we danced around in Kat's living room, had cake and a chocolate fountain, and lauren's mom came over. All in all it was pretty fun.

tomorrow i have to wake up 6:30 for a practice SAT. god i'm gonna be tired. i'm already tired as hell but going in to pioneer for four hours in the morning isn't gonna help. at least it's the weekend. hopefully i'll do well and it will give me experience so i don't absolutely flip out come real SATs. Clara will be there too. i'll have to talk to her.

my flip calendar for today has these two characters from the far side on the stairs, one holding a bat with a nail on the end (the old lady with curlers in her hair) and the other with a flashlight (the old guy) and the flashlight is shining on this 3 eyed monster with 3 horns and he has some milk and cake in his hands. on the bottom it says "See, Agnes? ... It's just Kevin" hahaha. i love my flip calendars. last year i had a 'you might be a redneck if....' calendar. that was cool. things like: you might be a redneck if there is a small animal clogged in your vacuum cleaner.

i'm so tired. i have homework still that i'm probably going to do before bed so i don't have to do it this weekend. Then i'll go to bed and be really tired for the SAT and then it'll be like noon and i'll sleep and eat and maybe..... PLAY 360. it's been almost two weeks :'( . i miss it so much. i should make a name for it. idk comment with names.

RANDOM QUOTE! "No animal should ever jump up on the dining-room furniture unless absolutely certain that he can hold his own in the conversation." - Fran Lebowitz.

After all that talk with clair and everything, i forgot to bring my candy to zoloft.

oh crap. my dog needs to go out and it's 11. my parents are sleeping.

well i guess i'll go do that then get on to hw and sleep

goodnight everyone
and happy birthday princess kat


deleted said...

hahaha it was fun. espically running around downtown!

KATherine said...

were off to see the wizard the wonderful widard of OZ! gosh that was so much fun :) so really, think of a future for me that doesn't invlove me being fat and boring :)

Anonymous said...

your posts are SO elaborate.
i like them

sounds like a superfunduperdyawesome partyy

Anonymous said...

I didn't know you had a blog