Thursday, March 8, 2007

Sanjaya Malakacrappamombulumombuluakalar

so what the hell is up with this kid Sanjaya Malakacrappamombulumombuluakalar? is america nuts? he's like the worst singer i've ever heard and he's survived much longer than he should've. he's got like all of india voting for him. he's a freaking fruitcake! he looked like freakin adam morrisson after his sister got kicked off! i wonder if he's related to sahar? damn that sundance guy should've stayed on instead of this crapathon. even paula, the worst fruitcake of the whole bunch, was standin there going 'wtf?' and randy was like 'wtf dawwwwwg' and simon was like 'wa' the fa'?' this thing is rigged! god that pisses me off. at least Laquisha's still there. she's the best one of them all. jesus christ, i didn't know america was just a bunch of clones of katherine.......

well whatever... so today my laptop battery decided to go all like pan-asian on me and crap out. it tells me it only has 60% capacity left and yesterday it had like 98%. it crapped out in the middle of latin while i was trying to write my post for the day. thankfully i saw american crapol before i wrote my post.... so i think i might get a new battery from fastmac. it costs 30 bucks less than one from apple and it has more capacity.

ok so i was talking to the claire online and she was like 'how the hell do you get candy for your zoloft?' she was going all crazy and saying i was hurting her brain.... someone doesn't know who my wonderful zoloft is.... she was like 'are you high?' and i was like 'no i don't take drugs' and she was like 'good. well have you been kicked in the head lately?' and i was like 'have you, cuz i've been wondering why your face looks like that' and she was like 'oh i know the solution, you take zoloft cuz you're lonely and sad' and then she blocked me. HAHAHAHAHA. she's such a whale...

my dog got a haircut. he's all shaved close right now. i'd have to say he's almost crossed the line towards fruitcakeness but idk yet. his shnout is too shaved. the lady didn't listen. we wanted to give him a beard...

random quote!!!! "nothing is really work unless you would rather be doing something else" James M. Barrie

so when is leopard coming out? i've been waiting to see when it does. i think i'm gonna get it right away cuz i just can't wait. who cares about the 'your computer will now blow up' glitches in the first one. it'll all work itself out in the end.

ok what the hell is wrong with Kobe? ok Ginobli i see. you can pass that as unintentional, but when you do it to Marko, i mean, c'mon. you need to be more discreet about it other than like walkin down the court and just like smackin him upside the face, either that or you need to stop whackin the shit out of other players like you did to that girl. i betcha if he does it again, 12 game suspension. that'll teach the lil brat. marko's probly out now. he should stay out as long as marko and ginobli did combined. and what the heck is up with 24? got tired of 8? he's such a douche.

i need to go sleep
for now, f-u sanjaya malakacrappamombulumombuluakalar.

1 comment:

Meghna Rao said...

well...I don't know if this is true, but I have been hearing that the expected release date is...