Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Don't we all hate Rochelle?

so the other day, I was thinking about what i was going to do this wednesday night. i thought hm, maybe i'll watch american idol, maybe i'll play 360. i'll probably play 360. Maybe i would go online or even just sit around, occasional getting marley all riled up and watching tv with my dad. many possibilities flashed through my head but never once did i think, 'hey, you know what would be awesome, to completely sabatoge and waste my perfectly good wednesday night.' Of course Rochelle has decided otherwise, and now i'm sitting here with three hours left til my doom thinking of how much i hate her.

On a happier note, i got 25 spyder bumper stickers and i'm thinking of what to do with them. RANDOM QUOTE! "life is full of obstacle illusions." - Grant Frazier

does anyone have any suggestions for the lockin? if you do comment me.

UM Hockey is in the playoffs. First home round for them is this weekend. friday saturday sunday. they better win or i will be p i s s pissed.

pi day's comin up. prolly bringin in a banana cream pie - my favorite. simple but absolutely brilliant.

so today was pretty cool. a normal day. thought of lockin stuff in the morning. pretty boring classes throughout the day and then me + mom + puppy went to kerrytown. his paws got all muddy around the car where there's like puddles and he ruined my jeans. that's pretty much it. the cleaning people came today. everything's nice and fresh.

what's everyone doing for spring break? i'm going to AZ for the first week and then i'm just sittin around doing the three things i love (playing 360, flute, and sitting around). call me if you wanna plan something.

speaking of calling me, i'm gonna get a phone soon. do you think the krazr's a good idea? it's pretty sexy, reasonably priced, on the right service, an ok amount of battery life, and it has good features. i'm either getting it at the start of the summer if i can win that battle with my parents, or i'm getting it for my b-day.

you know, summer's soon. pretty much exactly three months. so that means approximately 12 weeks and 3 of those we're in DC or on break. 9 (about) weeks of school left. SAWEET.

well i'm off to go play my flute, eat and then walk to my doom.


joshehpü said...

its a bloggums =X im so glad meghna started this trend.
finally someone who writes a LOT.
i will link to you.

Meghna Rao said...

:D I did start this, didn't I?

And Josh is absolutely right - the more you write, the better. Especially since yours is actually interesting to read.