Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Should we be proud of our bands?

So i was thinking what i would say if someone asked me if we should be proud of our GH bands, and i thought, the first thing i would say is, HELL NO, ARE YOU RETARDED? That concert really sucked. They always do. always. It's like watching a bunch of retards hump a doorknob, and the sad thing is, i have to be part of it. It makes me wanna gag myself with a stick. why don't they just fire denato and shoot all the kids that can't play? the screams would sound better... And the clarinets, holy crap. can you say SCREEEEEECH?....rub a cheese grader on my genitals....

On a less disgusting, but still as pathetic level, i read katherine's paper today. if she had pounded her face into the keyboard she would've gotten a better memoir. it was like, DUHHHHHHHHH. this was like one of the sentences: "Katherine, somtimes families ass for too much so you would have felt bad if i said no like me, so good job saying no." i was like, wtf? she seriously needs help writing. It was so bad that i almost cried. Diana couldn't even hold herself back from making fun of Kat. I was like, niiiiiiice.

Maybe kat won't end up at GH after all. That paper might take her entire GPA down two points.

in other news, it looks like i'm going to teach the d-ster how to play halo and teach her how to pound her oppononents into the dirt and laugh. i could see her getting pretty good.....

LaKisha all the way baby!!!!!!!! American idol 6.

i g2g. sry the blog was so short tonight.

Monday, March 12, 2007

God give me sleep.

Sorry i haven't written in a few days. it's been really hectic and it's gonna get worse so i prolly won't post again til the weekend.

woke up at 6 - 5 hours of sleep. took the SAT and we had this gay old guy as our procter. it was so long. like five hours.
got home and took an hour nap, played my flute and went out to pizza bob's with Colin and his brother. We then went to UM hockey where we saw michigan annhialate anhilate anhialate idk w/e northern michigan. it was pretty awesome, got to see j-hawl and sit in the student section for a bit like usual. then we went back to colin's house where my parents were. my parents drove me + colin to my house for a sleepover. we played 360 and ate brownies/cookies all night til 6:30 AM and went to sleep as my dad was waking up. we then woke up at 10:30 (4 hours of sleep). That night i beat him in Halo2 including a game where i had 24 kills, 6 assists, 18 headshots, 23 medals, 2 double kills, a triple kill, and 7 deaths while he had 7 kills, 5 assists, 16 deaths, 1 headshot, 2 medals for our team. (we were on the same team against four other guys). and then he beat me in NBA 2k7. he won by 3,6, and 2 points while i won one game by 9. the next day i went to the jazz concert, played my flute, and came back to watch the bourne identity. went to bed at 1. (5.5 hours of sleep).

went to school, had a busy day: had to work in the morning, hs band during lunch, test e period, had to finish the test after school, pit rehearsal, dinner then YSO for 2 hours then hw then flute then shower then more hw then now. I played my flute for 3.5 hours today.

I am tired as hell and i need sleep. i got in total from fri - sat, sat-sun, sun-mon 14.5 hours of sleep. normally in that time i get about 31. and tonight it looks like i'm probably gonna get like 7 hours. jeez. i'm not used to being this busy and stuff like that.

hs band during lunch, flute lesson after school, hw, band concert from 7-8:30.

pit rehearsal after school, hw

pit rehearsal for 2.5 hours after school and the preview party for 2 hours

hw, lockin.

ok well i'm going to bed cuz i'm tired as hell and i wanna sleep plus i'm not supposed to be up.
no random quote today...

Friday, March 9, 2007

Princess Kat

so tonight Princess Kat had her party. I'm tired actually from it. In short, i told Katherine how crappy her shoes were, i took pictures of taylor and diana's boobs, i went over their futures, including katherine being 600 pounds and having nine little children that have to pry her out of her hammock with a two by four. We ran around downtown yelling WE'RE OFF TO SEE THE WIZARD.... i almost got hit by a car. haha. we danced around in Kat's living room, had cake and a chocolate fountain, and lauren's mom came over. All in all it was pretty fun.

tomorrow i have to wake up 6:30 for a practice SAT. god i'm gonna be tired. i'm already tired as hell but going in to pioneer for four hours in the morning isn't gonna help. at least it's the weekend. hopefully i'll do well and it will give me experience so i don't absolutely flip out come real SATs. Clara will be there too. i'll have to talk to her.

my flip calendar for today has these two characters from the far side on the stairs, one holding a bat with a nail on the end (the old lady with curlers in her hair) and the other with a flashlight (the old guy) and the flashlight is shining on this 3 eyed monster with 3 horns and he has some milk and cake in his hands. on the bottom it says "See, Agnes? ... It's just Kevin" hahaha. i love my flip calendars. last year i had a 'you might be a redneck if....' calendar. that was cool. things like: you might be a redneck if there is a small animal clogged in your vacuum cleaner.

i'm so tired. i have homework still that i'm probably going to do before bed so i don't have to do it this weekend. Then i'll go to bed and be really tired for the SAT and then it'll be like noon and i'll sleep and eat and maybe..... PLAY 360. it's been almost two weeks :'( . i miss it so much. i should make a name for it. idk comment with names.

RANDOM QUOTE! "No animal should ever jump up on the dining-room furniture unless absolutely certain that he can hold his own in the conversation." - Fran Lebowitz.

After all that talk with clair and everything, i forgot to bring my candy to zoloft.

oh crap. my dog needs to go out and it's 11. my parents are sleeping.

well i guess i'll go do that then get on to hw and sleep

goodnight everyone
and happy birthday princess kat

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Sanjaya Malakacrappamombulumombuluakalar

so what the hell is up with this kid Sanjaya Malakacrappamombulumombuluakalar? is america nuts? he's like the worst singer i've ever heard and he's survived much longer than he should've. he's got like all of india voting for him. he's a freaking fruitcake! he looked like freakin adam morrisson after his sister got kicked off! i wonder if he's related to sahar? damn that sundance guy should've stayed on instead of this crapathon. even paula, the worst fruitcake of the whole bunch, was standin there going 'wtf?' and randy was like 'wtf dawwwwwg' and simon was like 'wa' the fa'?' this thing is rigged! god that pisses me off. at least Laquisha's still there. she's the best one of them all. jesus christ, i didn't know america was just a bunch of clones of katherine.......

well whatever... so today my laptop battery decided to go all like pan-asian on me and crap out. it tells me it only has 60% capacity left and yesterday it had like 98%. it crapped out in the middle of latin while i was trying to write my post for the day. thankfully i saw american crapol before i wrote my post.... so i think i might get a new battery from fastmac. it costs 30 bucks less than one from apple and it has more capacity.

ok so i was talking to the claire online and she was like 'how the hell do you get candy for your zoloft?' she was going all crazy and saying i was hurting her brain.... someone doesn't know who my wonderful zoloft is.... she was like 'are you high?' and i was like 'no i don't take drugs' and she was like 'good. well have you been kicked in the head lately?' and i was like 'have you, cuz i've been wondering why your face looks like that' and she was like 'oh i know the solution, you take zoloft cuz you're lonely and sad' and then she blocked me. HAHAHAHAHA. she's such a whale...

my dog got a haircut. he's all shaved close right now. i'd have to say he's almost crossed the line towards fruitcakeness but idk yet. his shnout is too shaved. the lady didn't listen. we wanted to give him a beard...

random quote!!!! "nothing is really work unless you would rather be doing something else" James M. Barrie

so when is leopard coming out? i've been waiting to see when it does. i think i'm gonna get it right away cuz i just can't wait. who cares about the 'your computer will now blow up' glitches in the first one. it'll all work itself out in the end.

ok what the hell is wrong with Kobe? ok Ginobli i see. you can pass that as unintentional, but when you do it to Marko, i mean, c'mon. you need to be more discreet about it other than like walkin down the court and just like smackin him upside the face, either that or you need to stop whackin the shit out of other players like you did to that girl. i betcha if he does it again, 12 game suspension. that'll teach the lil brat. marko's probly out now. he should stay out as long as marko and ginobli did combined. and what the heck is up with 24? got tired of 8? he's such a douche.

i need to go sleep
for now, f-u sanjaya malakacrappamombulumombuluakalar.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Don't we all hate Rochelle?

so the other day, I was thinking about what i was going to do this wednesday night. i thought hm, maybe i'll watch american idol, maybe i'll play 360. i'll probably play 360. Maybe i would go online or even just sit around, occasional getting marley all riled up and watching tv with my dad. many possibilities flashed through my head but never once did i think, 'hey, you know what would be awesome, to completely sabatoge and waste my perfectly good wednesday night.' Of course Rochelle has decided otherwise, and now i'm sitting here with three hours left til my doom thinking of how much i hate her.

On a happier note, i got 25 spyder bumper stickers and i'm thinking of what to do with them. RANDOM QUOTE! "life is full of obstacle illusions." - Grant Frazier

does anyone have any suggestions for the lockin? if you do comment me.

UM Hockey is in the playoffs. First home round for them is this weekend. friday saturday sunday. they better win or i will be p i s s pissed.

pi day's comin up. prolly bringin in a banana cream pie - my favorite. simple but absolutely brilliant.

so today was pretty cool. a normal day. thought of lockin stuff in the morning. pretty boring classes throughout the day and then me + mom + puppy went to kerrytown. his paws got all muddy around the car where there's like puddles and he ruined my jeans. that's pretty much it. the cleaning people came today. everything's nice and fresh.

what's everyone doing for spring break? i'm going to AZ for the first week and then i'm just sittin around doing the three things i love (playing 360, flute, and sitting around). call me if you wanna plan something.

speaking of calling me, i'm gonna get a phone soon. do you think the krazr's a good idea? it's pretty sexy, reasonably priced, on the right service, an ok amount of battery life, and it has good features. i'm either getting it at the start of the summer if i can win that battle with my parents, or i'm getting it for my b-day.

you know, summer's soon. pretty much exactly three months. so that means approximately 12 weeks and 3 of those we're in DC or on break. 9 (about) weeks of school left. SAWEET.

well i'm off to go play my flute, eat and then walk to my doom.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

First Post

so I decided to get this blog. AMO used to tell me I was peachy back in elementry and she would always say 'Well Isn't That Peachy' so I thought I'd name it after that. i know, random huh.

today was cool. yelled at kat for a while. got a new printer.

let's all do our snowday dance and hope for one tomorrow. 1-3 inches overnight. 19 degrees at 6 am. if we get one i'll scream. I haven't played 360 in a week and a half and it pains a place in my heart.

don't you just love random quotes?
"Life... is like a grapefruit. It's orange and squishy, and has a few pips in it, and some folks have half a one for breakfast" - Douglas Adams.

had a cupcake for dessert, thought i'd squeeze that in.

i'm goin to bed
